Startseite Instrumente A-Z Museen Impressum


Fourth Flute

Definition, Beschreibung, Funktion, Herkunft des Musikinstrumentes


The Fourth Flute is a type of flute that is tuned a fourth higher than a standard concert flute.


The Fourth Flute has the same fingering as a standard concert flute, but is smaller in size and has a higher pitch. This makes it easier to play in the higher registers, and it is often used in chamber music and solo performance. Some Fourth Flutes are made of metal, while others are made of wood or other materials.


The function of the Fourth Flute is to provide a higher-pitched alternative to the standard concert flute, allowing for greater expressiveness and versatility in performance. It can be used in a variety of musical genres, from classical to jazz and beyond.

Herkunft und Geschichte

The origins of the Fourth Flute are not well-documented, but it is believed to have originated in Europe in the 19th century. It was initially used in opera and orchestral music, but quickly gained popularity in other musical genres as well. Today, it is widely used in classical music, as well as in folk and world music traditions.

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